Friday 18 November 2016

A Midsummer Nights Dream Blog: Final Week

Tuesday, 15/11/16:

Today we went over the mechanicals scene that we didn't get too last time. Initially we actually forgot the blocking and overall running through it was a tad awkward especially when coming in. I did put my all in with my energy, bounciness and volume today so I don't really have any issues with my performance as flute to be honest. I feel it's more or less ready and my level of energy will adjust accordingly to the requirements of the theatre space, I feel that I'm that comfortable with it. I like the face, voice and mannerisms I've given him. I guess the only problem with what I did today was that I simply messed up where I stood in the scene. I stood to the right of the stage when I should have been more to the left to do the "Through that cranny" line. I feel that if I remember that then it'll be great. It's very energetic and I feel it'll be very fun to perform and to watch and overall represents the character well for both styles.

One additional idea/development that happened today was that after I did my scream similar to the one from bottom (Which I really like and was quite fun to do) James suggested very quickly that I should jump into his arms very much like how Scooby-Doo would do (Reference photo below) and we tried it out and it looked surprisingly good in my opinion. It could do with speeding up a bit but the level of energy was great and when combined with the rest of the cast screaming and being very over the top it's great, I think it mixes very well. It's also a reference children will mostly understand and if not it'll still add to the comedy of it.

Image result for scooby doo in shaggy's arms

The issue with the scene was only when I finish saying my line "As true as truest horses that yet would never tire", it usually takes to long for Pau to come in which can bring down the pacing so I did point that out but that's only a small nit pick and solution to the scene although it is still important the reasons I've stressed a lot. Pacing counts especially for children with lower attention spans.

Thursday, 17/11/16:

Today we ran got to go through the final stages of blocking on the final scene of the play where everything is resolved and Theseus lets the couples marry who they wish. After that we had a full run through of the play with the Sherbet cast.

One thing we didn't really fix and I'm not sure we will fix is the wall climbing moment during the "Pyramus and Thisbe" play where he grabs my bottom. It's still overall really awkward but the main problem is that it's not obvious that he grabs me. However I think I can counteract this by simply playing up my reaction to it. As of now it's a high pitched "Ooooh" sound but I thin k I should put my hands where he grabs in order to make it more obvious and hopefully funnier. Also since it's a moment that intentionally awkward I feel that I need to keep the energy up a bit so that this moment doesn't lose the audiences attention as well as keep it looking from actually unrehearsed in anyway which I think is always risky when portraying a scene like this.

One issue we did improve today was the transition to the dance since the past attempts have been very awkward. I've worked out my path and timing for the Sherbet transition. As Pau is asking the audience if they'd like to see the epilogue, I walk over to my place as Flute. after people working it out it looked much better and the dance itself is great with more or less everybody embracing the style of children's theatre and some playing out to the audience, I'm certainly trying my best to do that and put on a big cheesy smile and I feel I'm doing a good job of it.

There are of course a couple of minor issues such as the timing on my last few Lysander lines, when I walk off with Egea and the last scene with Hermia, it's not romantic enough but those a small problems that can easily be fixed. Other than that though I must admit I think I'm ready to perform this play. I'm really looking forward to it and I have confidence in the production. Tomorrow we move into the theatre and we'll try to correct any minor issues we have.

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