Friday 18 November 2016

A Midsummer Nights Dream Blog: Week 6

Tuesday, 1/11/16:

Today we had a run through of the play with the sherbet cast.

My feedback for flute was very positive today, apparently the changes I make to my face and the voice I'm putting on are quite funny and it's definitely a change from the other characters I have. I was very happy to hear that since I'm glad I experimented with him because if I had just stuck with the heightened version of myself I feel that it probably would've been rubbish. I feel I'm putting the "Energetic movement" feature of children's theatre to good use with flute or at least he's the best I've implemented it so far.

One note we were given was that while the background interactions between me and James during our Mechanicals scenes are very good they are way too overplayed so it meant that to the people watching it was very distracting and not much attention was paid to Bottom or any of the others. This just means that we will have to down play it so I think that I'll limit the amount of interactions we have so make it only about 3 that have any real energy to them the rest will have to be lowered and only there to keep the scene from being static in any way, the constant movement (Even if only slight) will keep them watching.

Thursday, 3/11/16:

Today we had a run of the play with the liquorice cast. I got some fairly positive feedback for Lysander today but I did get some notes to improve. Firstly my scenes with Hermia aren't lovey dovey enough yet. We needs to hold hands more, have bigger smiles on our faces and blow kisses to each other because as of now it looks a little dull since we aren't doing that. I had an idea of just before I go to sleep and shes blown me a kissed (Which we added in today) I would kiss the air in her direction quite a few times and then quickly plop me head down. This is mainly for comedic effect but I feel that small moment will add to the sappiness of it all. We do need to play it up.

I also need to make more of seeing Helena when I wake since I apparently don't look both surprised and mesmerised by I either go with one or the other. So I need to combine the in order to give off a bigger impression of how I'm feeling. I deliver my lines well apparently it's just the initial moment of noticing her I need to work on. I also need to look for Demetrius instead of just randomly running around the stage which is what I appear to be doing. It was the blocking done by the other and I just copied it without thinking why but now I get it so that's an easy fix.

On a positive note, the scene where me and Demetrius are talking to Helena and we're being rivals we're meant to act while she's talking not just stand there so I improvised. I looked at Helena with utter love and passion and then when I catch a glance of Demetrius I go into a pose where it looks like I'm challenging him to a silly fight. And when she says "If you were men" then I act as if I think I'm the best. My idea that I did was to pull that same ace as when I ride off on the horse and then flex my muscles. It looks silly which is great and the reaction was positive so I think I'm keeping that. It was actually very fun and it adds energy and more humour to the already funny scene so I see this as quite a good addition to keep their attention, if they aren't interested in what Helena is saying then there's always the visual comedy to make them laugh.

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