Friday 26 May 2017

Epsom Downs Rehearsal: Blog 1


This blog will detail my rehearsal process for our production of "Epsom Downs" by Howard Brenton. I have been given a few characters and this will show how I develop and cope with developing them to get the do a performance standard.

Rehearsal Action Plan:

I have a list of goals that I need to achieve throughout this process. This list will prioritise my objectives showing which order I plan to do them in and show the target dates for when I wish to achieve them:

Objectives (Highest priority listed first)

 - Being prepared - This means the basic yet important demands of a being in a rehearsal situation; This includes, being on time so I don't miss anything, remaining focused on my work so I shouldn't talk while I'm not supposed to and have all my equipment such as, my script, pen, pencil. This is so I don't waste any time not rehearsing and everything moves along faster so the final result will be more prepared as a result, it may not sound like much but messing around preparing when you're already supposed to be ready for a scene wastes a lot of time. This also includes any jobs I am given and responsibilities. This will be for the entire rehearsal period.

- Research - Addiction and the extremes people go to - Something I feel I need to look up is the mind set of compulsive gamblers and the psychology of their addiction. My main character, Mr Tilliotson, is a compulsive gambler and he lists some pretty extreme circumstances in the script as to what his addictions has lead him to do, so I'm going to look up any material to do with addiction to try and see if it helps me get in to his mind set. - My goal to achieve this will be at the latest, 25th of March.

- Research - Turning to God - Something my character and the person he's with does is convert to religion after going through horrible things such as traumatic moments in life, bad decisions or just poor life styles. This is a very common occurrence especially with prisoners or drug addicts, so it seems, the worse the crime, the more likely it may happen. I want to look into why this  happens and in some cases why it works and why it doesn't. This will give me a greater idea of where he's coming from and whether or not his faith is genuine. - My goal to achieve this will be at the latest, 26th of March.

- Research - The Era - The play is set in 1977 (The year it was first shown) and I feel that looking into things such as betting culture, peoples views on it and views on gambling back then. I want to research the derby itself and see if I can find out anything about it or any tidbits of the time period that could help me understand the context of my character - My goal to achieve this will be at the latest, 26th of March however with all three of those research points, I mean to have a decent amount of it, if I come across anymore afterwards that can help me develop it further that's fine but by that date I want to have a good enough amount to achieve my goal of getting into his mind set or at least understanding it.

- Understand the performance style - This means looking over the text and researching it to get an idea of how it should be performed just so my interpration meshes well with what's intended.

- Create a detailed backstory - After I have done research of the era and subject matter relating to the character, I'm going to create a backstory for him around the events listed in the play. For example I want to know how he got introduced to gambling or what the line about selling his children actually meant. I want this backstory to a have it's key elements filled in by the 31st of March, after all the research is done and I have had time to think it over.

- Line learning - This one is self explanatory really although I will have to prioritise certain moments in the script. The part where I have to list 22 betting options very fast in one breath will be very difficult to learn although I know I can do it. I will still have to split up the scenes and give them dates to be learnt by at the latest.

    - Mr Tillotson act 1 lines to be learnt by the 21st of March
    - Hugh lines learnt by the 21st of March
    - Mr Tillotson fast betting options list learnt by the 28th of March
    - Mr Tillotson act 2 lines to be learnt by the 28th of March
    - Jockey Lines to be learnt by the 28th of March

Again these dates are at the latest so I will try and get them done beforehand if possible. I am putting these lower than research since I feel that will help provide greater context to my lines and I get a better feel of the characters arc in the scene, it also means that the sooner I start researching, the more fleshed out my characters can be.

- Character distinction - How the characters/performance differ - I need to experiment with how all the characters act and how I can differentiate them, be it with an accent, mannerisms or any other details. This isn't something I have set a target for since it's something I plan to do through the entire process up until it finishes. I could say that I should have clear distinctions and a good idea of how to play them by the end of the month but I still want to experiment after that and constantly develop.

- Blocking - This is so I can remember all my entrances and exits as well as my positioning and actions on stage to make the play (and the rehearsal development of it) smoother and more efficient, so I will be marking everything down when I can and make sure to be in position a few minutes before my scene to practice a transition so everything gets up to a good standard as soon as possible. I hope to have the blocking down by the 31st of March.

- Horse riding - This is where I have to ride on James's shoulders. When Initially trying this out I was surprised that it worked so well and was fairly easy to remain balanced, however I had to change my leg position when on him to more like an actual jockey would have it and not be so obviously trying to balance. Since I'm perfectly comfortable with being on his shoulders and we've rehearsed it a few times this on shouldn't take long at all and I should have this down by the 17th of March.

I will be writing about my progress on these targets throughout my rehearsal blog.

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