Sunday 18 October 2015

Character profile

Who am I:
Scene 5: My characters name is Benedict. The script refers to him as "Two" So I decided to name him in order to give him more of an identity to me and make him a little easier to define. He is walking into the wardrobe to put some clothes in there and is in a relaxed state since he's simply doing an everyday task. He is 15. He is the youngest child in an upper class 17th century family. He has a mother and father (obviously) as well as and older brother and an older sister. The older sister is somewhat protective of him due to that they both get physically abused by their older brother and due to their age, sex and status and especially considering the time period and how much reputation matters they can't really expose him or bring it up so they either have to hide it or just try and defend themselves. He views himself as the lowest of the family mainly due to his age even though his sister would generally be considered lower than him due to her gender but he doesn't see it like that.
Scene 9: My characters name is James. He is very intrigued and tense while reading the Jack the ripper article with his friends after having snuck away from their boarding school choir. He knows that he is generally the butt of his friends jokes and that out of all of them definitely has the lowest status but will not take any of it and let them get away with, he'll retort with a comment if he is given one and he generally doesn't like the joker/friend having the last word in terms of these things. so despite having a low status he considers himself confident enough to fight back and somewhat fit in. Since he is at a boarding school and has snuck away from the choir he is either wearing a choir outfit or is still in his uniform because he could have snuck away before he put the outfit on.
Scene 12: My characters name is Tom although in the script he is refereed to as "Friend 2". I decided to name him because it adds some ore realism to him instead of just being a vague product of someones writing. The character may be vague to the audience but in order to portray him properly i need to flesh him out and define him even though the audience will not know certain details. Tom is going into the wardrobe in order to try and get his friend out of there. It's a friend that he is not overly close to but does respect and gets along with very well. They're the kind of people that only talk occasionally outside of school but will happily talk a lot in school.

What are my circumstances?
Scene 5: It is France, most likely Paris and takes place at some point in the late 17th century. My older sister has surprised me while I'm in the wardrobe hanging up some clothes to teach me about defending myself from my older brother who is quite abusive towards the pair of us and very little can be done so that the family can protect their reputation and their sons status. She has out of nowhere got me in a chokehold and I have to go along with it because I can't get out of it even though I try.
Scene 9: It is the 11th of November 1888 in London, England. Me and my friends, Tom, Archie and Hugo have snuck off from choir practice at our catholic boarding school to read the latest article about Jack the ripper and have hidden in the wardrobe so that father Aloysius doesn't catch us or try to punish us in a violent or sexually abusive way.
Scene 12: It is Britain, most likely London, England and in a museum. I am on a school trip to a museum and have been asked to identify things from it for a worksheet task and one of my friends has hidden in the wardrobe so go in there with the task of getting him out in time to get back to where we were supposed to go. He has had a photo of himself put on the Internet and is hiding and I need to convince him to come out.

What are my relationships?
Scene 5: I get along very well with my older sister who is quite protective of me, especially from my violent older brother. She is two years older than me and I am very fond of her, she's always there even if she may be somewhat blatant or somewhat excessive with her methods of teaching or protecting me but I know she is doing it simply because she cares for me and doesn't want to see any harm come to me. My older brother while I do have some respect for because he can be a generally polite, articulate and well mannered person in public or at any social gathering, I genuinely can't stand when he's in the house or anywhere private because he abuses me and he knows he can get away with it due to his status in the family and due to the family wanting to protect their reputation so they would not do anything. I don't know why he does this, it may be spite but I don't know, I just don't like him in general. My parents I am somewhat distant from mainly due to my father working or being somewhere "more important". He still looks after me or at least makes sure I'm with a carer or something but I don't see him that often. My mother just spends time with the wives of the other wealthy men and is often too shallow to leave them to come and see her children but she can pay for the care so it doesn't bother her.
Scene 9: I have three good friends, Tom, Archie and Hugo. They live with me at the boarding school and are the people I spend the most time with. Even though I obviously have the lowest status an get mocked by the relentlessly I still like them and I won't take that much mockery off of them. I do respect all of them although they can be pains at times. Father Aloysius and some of the other fathers here aren't the nicest of people to be honest. They will hit you for speaking out of turn or for saying anything allegedly blasphemous. He ha been known to abuse the boys sexually although I've never been a victim to this but I am scared it will happen to me.
Scene 12: My relationship with the other character in my scene is that we're good friends but not too close. We will happily talk and get along very well in class but outside of school we don't really talk or meet up so while we get along, we're not too close but I care enough about him to not want to see him upset. I do not personally know the person who uploaded the photo, I know of him and who he is but I've never spoken to him so I don't have an opinion of him and don't understand his reason for uploading the photo of my friend. This certainly hasn't helped form a good opinion.

What do I want?
Scene 5: My objective in this scene is to simply leave the wardrobe and stop being somewhat assaulted. While I do appreciate the help from my sister, it was a bit too sudden and surprising and I Just want to get out of the wardrobe to go and relax or just prepare for something like this instead of being ambushed. I just want to leave and not do this self defence "Lesson".
Scene 9: My Objective is at first to get Tom to read the article because I find this stuff fascinating while a little disturbing but they keep getting distracted and I want them to read it so I do what I can. Later on my objective changes to trying not to be heard by father Aloysius so he doesn't find us and punish us which does scare me so I'll be as quiet as possible.
Scene 12: My objective is to get my friend out of the wardrobe in time to finish the sheet we were given for the museum trip and then get back to our class meeting point to hand it in but also not wanting either of us getting in trouble for touching the wardrobe which is an antique. However when I find out more of how my friend is feeling my objective changes to wanting to comfort and reassure him and possibly even distract him from this news at certain points by doing the work sheet.

What is my obstacle?
Scene 5: My obstacle is my older and more protective sister. She is constantly telling me to do a certain manoeuvre or method of hurting or defending against an attacker. She even has me pinned against a wall for quite a bit of it and even during the parts where she doesn't, I'm scared that she'll still stop me from leaving so I don't attempt it but I really want to leave and not go through this. While she's just trying to protect me I want to leave the wardrobe but she is stopping me and I don't want to risk it.
Scene 9: My obstacle is the other boys in the scene because all I want is to simply get the article read or read it myself but they either keep talking, get distracted, intentionally take their time to annoy me or snatch it off me so I can't read it myself. Also they make too much noise and I do not want father Aloysius to hear us but it is likely that he'll find us at some point due to them.
Scene 12: My obstacle is my friend who won't get out of the wardrobe, he doesn't want to the other judgemental  school kids to see him and won't come out when I ask him multiple times. When I realise this and then I want to comfort him he still seems to reject and retort to everything that I say so I find it difficult to achieve my objective but I still try even though he's somewhat pushing me away.

What do I do to get what I want?
Scene 5: I can't really do anything to achieve my objective other than to simply go along with it. If I try to leave I fear that she'll stop me so I wont attempt that and even if I try fighting her off without using her methods she won't let me go so I will simply go along with it and it will be over sooner. I give into what she says eventually and I realise this and keep going until she'll let me go which may be a while but it'll be longer if I resist.
Scene 9: I keep telling tom over and over to keep reading so I can find out what the article says and when that doesn't I take it off of him when I have the chance to read it myself but the it gets taken off of me by the others so they've stopped me again. When my objective changes to not being heard, I try and make as little noise as possible but the others still whisper so I say one thing that may make them be quiet. I say "You were laughing so loudly you gave us away" so this may make them realise their error and hope they stay quiet.
Scene 12: I repeatedly ask him to leave and try to convince him to come out and even mention that I could get in trouble if he doesn't. This doesn't work and I realise that so I try and comfort him by reassuring him and saying that no one is talking about it so he shouldn't worry. in the end i just distract him with the work sheet and get him to answer the questions and it seems to take his mind off of it for a while.

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